This is a warning for anyone who is PCSing to Fort Leavenworth!
From one wifes bad experience to another, I hope you have a better time their than we did.
In March of this year my husband came home from Korea.
We made a big move and pcs'd to Fort Leavenworth Kansas only days after he came home.
I had done so much homework on Fort Leavenworth.
On the housing, the wives, schools, and the way of life their.
However the truth behind it all was that it was all just smoke and mirrors.
With in weeks of getting to Leavenworth the drama leaked into our home.
Kids coming to our door begging for food and drink.
( when my children were not even out side playing )
The School allowing trashy books that they allowed my 2nd grader to check out and bring home.
( the reading level was middle school to high school level )
The wives .... the last straw on top of it all.
Everything I posted on my personal facebook. No matter what it was or why I posted it. I was jumped on for staying everything.
Everything from homeschooling my children, to being so in love with my husband and even when I had my miscarriages.
I had these wives who thought I was " bitching " and that I should just shut up and do as I am told. Simple because " I was a new wife who had only been married for a year. "
The bashing went on and on to the point that I started standing up for myself, to the biggest facebook bully of them all.
I asked her very nicely to " please leave her negative comments off of my facebook page. "
Then I decided after talking to my husband to simply remove her from my personal facebook page.
As she and I have never been friends, hadn't seen each other ever in person and had no real relationship. She is the kind of woman who needs tons of friends on facebook. So that she can have something exciting to talk about. Through out her lonely days.
I was trying to end the problem with every status I posted, having to ask her to please not post all her negative comments or opinions on my facebook page.
For that I had got to see the truth behind why these wives are friendless and have been at the same post for 10+ years.
This screen shot was sent to me by a few different ladies who where all shocked at what childish length this woman would go to to seek out attention.

Sadly I have found that most of the wives who backed me up where also the ones who decided to lie.
Telling all the wives they could get to listen to them. That I posted things on a wives page about all of this when All I did was post a status.
That was about how unhappy it makes me that I have kids everyday. Coming to my door begging for money, asking for drinks, and fruit snacks. Even though my own children had been sick the whole week.
Thus they were not out side and if they were I would have given the other kids the same things i give my kids while they are outside.
It makes me so sad that someone who doesnt even live in the same neighborhood that I had lived. Would want to bash me for something on my personal page.
It wasnt the first time sense she had bashed me every chance she got on my personal page for everything I posted.
Going as far as to make fun of my having miscarriages.
I have never met any of these wives face to face.
I fear for any other wives moving to this post.
That they will be treat the way I was in the very short time I lived on post.
After that we bought a house an hour away from post. That way, hopefully the wives who were going out of their way to try to hurt me. Could not keep doing the things that they were doing.
After the wives who posted that status was removed off of my personal facebook page and started her drama and lies about me.
I was removed from every Fort Leavenworth facebook group that there is.
When I asked about why I was removed all I was told was that " I made all of the wives mad when I posted my personal business on one of the public wives pages. That I was not even a Army wife much less a wife of someone stationed on Fort Leavenworth."
Its sad when I lived on post during all of this that someone so hateful and obsessed over my life would spread such lies about me.
Simply because I would not allow her abuse of myself and my friends to keep going on. I though my personal facebook page was just that. Personal! That I could post and remove any one off of my friends list that I wanted but it turns out.
That's not true, their are these old Army wives who believe that they run Fort Leavenworth.
Its sad that just because I am not 40 something years old that someone would try to mess up my marriage, any friendships I had on post. Not to count trying to get her husband to mess up my husbands career.
For anyone who is thinking of getting stationed their please dont!
If you do and you dont have a choice watch out for the other wives!