Friday, January 20, 2017

The View From My Seat

Today, As I was sitting in my kitchen watching the start of the Inauguration of Trump.

Reading my facebook news feed I found myself thinking back to one of my personal favorite Christmas movies.  In the movie you hear the story about how the 'man' wanted to steal all of the things that represented Christmas. He thought that by stealing these items that he could some how stop Christmas from coming. At the end of the movie he learned that he couldn't stop it no matter how hard he tried.

Today I know that there are so many people who are unhappy with who is becoming our President for the next 4 years. I have watched the videos, read the post and heard all of the ' points .' Of why some think that Trump is not our true President and that someone else should be taking office today.

However that is just not the case, Trump is now the President of our country. This is not the first time nor will it be the last one where some people will end up unhappy about who is taking office. Every 4 years we go through this same thing and we will again go through this again in 4 more years.

Can protesting and blasting your anger and upset all over the internet really change anything? .... No

Can spreading hate and anger ever change anything? .... No, at least nothing good can come of it.

This election did not start in 2016 as we as a country put this day into motion years ago. We either voted for or failed to vote for those who are in power right now. Yes I said that! It doesn't matter who you voted for in November. What matters was who you either did or did not put into office long before that. No matter how small your town in, or how large your city happens to be. We as the people are the ones who have the power to make the changes. How many of us sit at home and don't " bother " with voting for anything beyond for the President every 4 years? How many of us talk to our children or the youth at large about their rights to vote? .... How many of us talk to our children about the respect you should have for whom ever is in a position of power? I can say that I honestly did not before 2016  speak to my children about any of these things. I had never followed the president , elections or anything of the kind. It was not a factor in my life because " what does my vote matter when the electoral votes are all that matter."  I would quote that every time I had seen someone blasting all over facebook or where ever. About how our vote matters and to me I was speaking the truth.

I was wrong and so were the bitter teachers many years ago who told me that. Our vote matters, we matter. Our country as a whole matters more than most of us care to admit. We learned about voting for the President in school. Yet not once did anyone tell us about the small things that matter way more than the Presidential vote. The Mayors, Senators, school boards, Governors etc. Each of these votes matter, because these are the people we put in power. With their power comes the power of the electoral vote. ( Yes clearly I spoke of some smaller ones that might not matter as much when it comes to electoral votes but it was the point that every time you can vote you SHOULD vote! )

" Electoral Votes: The Electoral College is made up of  538 electors who cast votes to decide The President and Vice President if the United States. "

We the people have the power, we put each and every one of the elected officials in office no matter how big or small. Into the office that they sit in right now and that is just facts. If we do not go out and use our power to vote every chance we can. Then we are giving up the power to have say in who these smaller officials put in as the head of our country.

To all of those who are so very unhappy with our President right now. I am sorry for your pain and heartbreak. I can only hope that you will like many before you, take a step back from your anger. Take this day with grace and pray for our President to have the giving loving true heart that every President needs to have. That he will love our country as we do and do right by the country as a whole. To all of those who are excited and happy to have someone as the President that you truly believe in. That they think will really ' Make America Great Again.' Take a moment and see that it is not about ' your candidate ' winning or losing the election. It is all about our country as a whole coming together. Being understanding about the upset of those supporters. Of the other parties who did not take office as they had wanted. There are always things each of us can do to make our country better and violence, anger and hurting other in any way is never the answer.

 I encourage all of you no matter where you stand on this issue to. Look to the future and know that the only way to make a true change in this country is to teach our children and grand children and youth as a whole. About the power of voting not only for President but for every elected official. As we all learned in school the only way to change the world is to action. 

This day is marked for ever in history, as the day that our country gained a new President. It is a day we should come together and start thinking of the great things to come. Your party doesn't matter, the color of your skin doesn't matter nor does the amount of money in your bank account. We are all Americans and as such we should be proud that today we have a new leader. We should pray for all those in positions of power no matter who small. Respect that in the coming  hours and days there might be some unhappiness. No one knows if President Trump will keep to his word about things he has stated he will do as our President. We do know that as a country one of his jobs will be to bring our country together. Will he? Can he? Those are questions for another day. However we do know that the anger will once again fade and once again live to vote another day.

At least that is my view from my seat over looking my own little world.