Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I love her .... but I love to Fish!

      Those words drive me nuts! As I know it does many others.

I will admit I never thought I would have this problem more then ONCE in my life time!

My husband loves to fish and he is NOT picky about where he fishes or what he is going to fish for at all!

To think that Hunting and fishing can be the cause of a few divorces.  The neglect of someone always leaving on their free time in order to go hunting and fishing. I grew up in the south and trust me hunting and fishing is a huge a part of life. Not only with the men but the woman as well. 
Deer, camo, duck calls, guns, fishing poles and  learning to bate a hook at a very young age.
Our girls learn to bate a hook and shoot a gun at a young age.
The boys well lets just say they are born to hunt and fish and learned that when they get the chance they should always do it. That this should be a way of life , a way to relax. A way to spend time with your family every chance you could get.
Now to think that people are getting divorced over it.
My husband loves to hunt and fish though I will not lie I did not know this at the time we got divorced. He was unable to get any free time to do so back then.
I  totally understand that we as wives and mothers need time. Time with our husbands and time as a family for our children. However maybe just maybe its time to take a piece of advice I was given before I got married. Something that I feel like many of us male and female need to know and remember.

" Love what your spouse loves, if you do not yet love it take the time to learn to love it. For then and only then can you truly love your spouse. We all need to put more effort into our marriages."

Fishing that annoying monkey that never seems to stay off of our backs. Going and watching  a man fish is one thing. However understanding it is a whole other thing.

Different kinds of  fishing hooks, weight of lines , kinds of fishing poles and the information just goes on and on. Never ending information that husbands seem to keep in their heads and act as if we all should know it too. I do not ask my husband to remember all of my recipes, the products we all use every day or the amount of food we all eat every month. Yet I am looked onto remember all of the crazy fishing stuff. I am over it and Lord knows I cant remember all over it even if I try. 
I sit there smiling and taking pictures with out saying a word knowing that as soon as I say a word. He will look on to me as to say that I know I am going to scare all of the fish away. 
I do not fish though I have tried so hard to learn to love fishing. I sit their in my comfy camping chair with the pretty pink head rest that allow me to lean back and write as my husband and children fish the day away. 
His passion makes my heart smile, as my daughter says, he loves the peace of fishing. The catching and release of the the fishing game. A fun and loving thing that he has learned to do sense he was a child. His memories of  fishing with his grandfather in his younger days before his late grand father would take him out to fish.

My advice take what he loves and try to make it your own. In what ever way it is you have to do that. My husband loves to fish and I love to write so I write and take pictures while they fish the day away. I also love boats and want to buy one.... well it makes things easier if I make it out like its all about his fishing. I get a new boat and he gets to think its a gift for him. That way I can cruse on the boat, tan and enjoy the day while my kids and husband fish. Its a win win. I love my husband and my little fishing munchkins. I will be unhappy if they are unhappy so when making them happy I also get to be happy. Thus I win and life is good. My husband is hunting for a boat as I type. 

Life is good!

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