Sunday, October 18, 2015

Struggle of the the truth, 

Home Schooling is harder than anyone thinks it is. 
That is the reason I questioned my choice to home school my kids. 

I knew that the facts of the matter was my children needed the one on one attention of home schooling. 

Common core was my largest reason for home schooling. 

I knew that home schooling would mean that I could not get a job and work during the hours my kids would be in school. 

That was one of the largest issues.

Not that I have a large work history of  working due to everything we have been through in the past few weeks. Not to count that it is harder for me to find a job that would allow me to still do the things I do around the house. 

I know that is the same struggle that so many Mothers deal with when trying to decide to home school their kids. 

Then I figured out what I thought I could not.

I can be a good mom, help support my family and  home school my kids.

First thing that I knew I had to do was sit down with my husband and talk about every issue there is with home schooling.

Money - Yes I know this is the largest issue we all face every day. 

I have found that working online is the best way to make money at home. There are many at home jobs that really pay you and that you do not have to sit there working a sales job. 

( I will be posting about all the at home jobs in my next post ) 

Homeschooling cost money! - Honestly it depends on how you want to teach your children. 

Can home schooling take a lot of money. yes of course it can. 

However there are many other ways to home school your children for hardly any money. 

I have a list of home schooling links and face book groups that can help you along your way. If you don't want to spend too much money home schooling. 

Time - yes I am bringing it up, the one thing that I know is a huge issue when thinking about home schooling your kids. 

The time you will have to spend working with each of your children to make sure they are learning as you feel they need to. 

I have heard from so many people that it takes too much time to home school your kids. That so many welcome the chance to not have to parent their kids while they are at public school. When the facts are home schooling can be something that the whole family can enjoy. 
Yes I know as a mother sometimes you just want that time to your self.

You can make time for the kids to be home schooled  and to complete everything you need to get done during your day. 

It just takes time management! I know so many girls who have thought about homeschooling. Yet they keep putting it off due to the fact that they do not want to deal with their kids. 

Here is the secret that so many parents do not know.

You do not have to have your child ( in most state ) sitting down and doing book work all day long in order for them to learn. 

There are blogs all over the place. A long with free print outs, websites with free games to help with spelling, writing and math and so many other subjects. 

Netflixs is honestly one of the best things that I have ran into that helps my children learn the best. They love watching new shows about history, math, science and every day we find new shows to help them learn. 

I am part of so many groups on Facebook for home schooling. 

I find that I enjoy learning along with my kids. Each subject brings a new way of seeing the world. 
I am here for anyone who wants to sit down and talk or email about any questions when it comes to home schooling feel free to contact me. 

We are all parents, and still learning every day how this home schooling thing works. There are no right or wrong answers as long as your kids are learning. That is all that matters because as we all know children do not always learn the same way. They don't fit into the box that public schools have tried to put them in. 

There is no failing as long as you try! 

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