Sunday, November 1, 2015

Home Schooling On A Budget!

The first thing that you need to know is that homeschooling takes work. I am not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you its so easy and you dont have to do much. In real life everything takes work but home schooling is not that hard. 
It depends on how how you want to bring in money honestly and help your family. while you are sticking with a budget.  

The best ways I have found are. 

* coupon - yes I said it. start getting those coupons ready y'all. I am not joking. There are a lot of  ways to do it but I like just starting out with working one deal  at a time. I am not a huge coupon person but I am working on it. I went from spending $300 every two weeks for cleaning supplies and food for my family of 4. 
Now I spend $230 every two weeks. its not much but I save $70 every two weeks and that's $140 a month. 

* we do NOT use common core books sense we are against common core. my kids books are about $30 each per school year. from barns and nobles. However I have learned that the best thing to do is use the tools that you have already. Printer and ink!
get online and print out the lesson plans the night before that you want to do for your kids. 

* Internet! there are so many free online games for every age range. To help making learning fun. I can't even list all of the sites we use. ( I will write a full list of the ones we have used the most in another post. ) Games are free and fun and help you teach your kids

( every public library allows you to print off things and to have time online if you do not have a computer at home. )

*  Netflix's and Hulu! 
Lets face it just about everyone has hulu and or netflix's ( netflix's is the best ) 
There are so many different things that you can do with netflixs. I  have not yet started on hulu at this point. 
 I can not sit here and write every link there is to go with different movies and shows on netflixs or hulu so heres the simple answer. 

here is a link you should join this group on face book and there are so many ways to help teach you children of every age with tools on netflixs. feel free to join this group. 

Home Schooling With Netflix's

* Join a group of other moms

Yes I said it!

there are always groups out there that will help you a long your way. They do classes with each other and build on what they already know. They teach classes and support you no matter what stage you are in. When it comes to your home school journey. 

I myself am still learning as I go so if there are any other tool or fun things you think I missed feel free to email me and let me know or post a comment. 

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