Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year New Plan!

was all about:

 Our family

Starting our home school Journey

Having a baby

learning what its like to be together as a family.

It was filled with ups and downs
With tears of pure joy and heart breaking fear.

It was not the year I thought it would be but it was surly one heck of a ride. 


Here we come!

This year I am going to hit all my goals.

1. Watch my family grow.
2. Have a beautiful healthy baby in July/August
3. Get my house in order
4. Save money each month for our big family vacation next summer.
5. Have a closer relationship with my little sister NeNe
6. Get in shape after I have the baby
7. Grow my home business
8. Have a closer relationship with God
9. Pay off my car
10. Be a better home schooling mom

I have learned in the past not to set too many goals for a the new year. That when I do I never seem to go through with hardly any of them. 
This year I decided to keep it simple and try to stick with the most important things in life. 

My family, my future, and  God!

I am also having my kids make their own list  for this year. 
I want them to learn to set goals in their lives and to work hard to reach those goals. 
 I don't know what this year has to offer my family and I. All I can do is hope, pray and work hard to have the life that I and my family wants. To show my kids that you cant be the person you want to be with out hard work. 

There are so many things I want to teach my kids this year. 
The first step for me is always making a list and deciding what I really want. 

Today is the first step in a long line of  steps I am going to take. I can only hope a year from now I am stand where ever I might be.
Proud of myself for completing all of my goals.

Bring on 2016 and all it has to offer! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Behind The Gates: Fort Leavenworth

This is a warning for anyone who is PCSing to Fort Leavenworth!
From one wifes bad experience to another, I hope you have a better time their than we did. 

In March of this year my husband came home from Korea. 

We made a big move and pcs'd to Fort Leavenworth Kansas only days after he came home. 

I had done so much homework on Fort Leavenworth. 
On the housing, the wives, schools, and the way of life their. 

However the truth behind it all was that it was all just smoke and mirrors. 

With in weeks of getting to Leavenworth the drama leaked into our home. 

Kids coming to our door begging for food and drink. 
( when my children were not even out side playing )

The School allowing trashy books that they allowed my 2nd grader to check out and bring home. 
( the reading level was middle school to high school level ) 

The wives .... the last straw on top of it all. 
Everything I posted on my personal facebook. No matter what it was or why I posted it. I was jumped on for staying everything. 
Everything from homeschooling my children, to being so in love with my husband and even when I had my miscarriages.

I had these wives who thought I was " bitching " and that I should just shut up and do as I am told. Simple because " I was a new wife who had only been married for a year. " 

The bashing went on and on to the point that I started standing up for myself, to the biggest facebook bully of them all. 

I asked her very nicely to " please leave her negative  comments off of my facebook page. "

Then I decided after talking to my husband to simply remove her from my personal facebook page. 
As she and I have never been friends, hadn't seen each other ever in person and had no real relationship. She is the kind of woman who needs tons of friends on facebook. So that she can have something exciting to talk about. Through out her lonely days.

I was trying to end the problem with every status I posted, having to ask her to please not post all her negative comments or opinions on my facebook page. 

For that I had got to see the truth behind why these wives are friendless and have been at the same post for 10+ years. 

This screen shot was sent to me by a few different ladies who where all shocked at what childish length this woman would go to to seek out attention. 

Sadly I have found that most of the wives who backed me up where also the ones who decided to lie. 
Telling all the wives they could get to listen to them. That I posted things on a wives page about all of this when All I did was post a status. 
That was about how unhappy it makes me that I have kids everyday. Coming to my door begging for money, asking for drinks, and fruit snacks. Even though my own children had been sick the whole week. 
Thus they were not out side and if they were I would have given the other kids the same things i give my kids while they are outside. 
It makes me so sad that someone who doesnt even live in the same neighborhood that I had lived. Would want to bash me for something on my personal page. 
It wasnt the first time sense she had bashed me every chance she got on my personal page for everything I posted. 
Going as far as to make fun of my having miscarriages.
I have never met any of these wives face to face. 

I fear for any other wives moving to this post. 
That they will be treat the way I was in the very short time I lived on post. 
After that we bought a house an hour away from post. That  way, hopefully the wives who were going out of their way to try to hurt me. Could not keep doing the things that they were doing. 

After the wives who posted that status  was removed off of my personal facebook page and started her drama and lies about me.

I was removed from every Fort Leavenworth facebook group that there is.
When I asked about why I was removed all I was told was that " I made all of the wives mad when I posted my personal business on one of the public wives pages. That I was not even a Army wife much less a wife of someone stationed on Fort Leavenworth." 
Its sad when I lived on post during all of this that someone so hateful and obsessed over my life would spread such lies about me.
Simply because I would not allow her abuse of myself and my friends to keep going on. I though my personal facebook page was just that. Personal! That I could post and remove any one off of my friends list that I wanted but it turns out. 

That's not true, their are these old Army wives who believe that they run Fort Leavenworth. 

Its sad that just because I am not 40 something years old that someone would try to mess up my marriage, any friendships I had on post. Not to count trying to get her husband to mess up my husbands career. 

For anyone who is thinking of getting stationed their please dont!

If you do and you dont have a choice watch out for the other wives!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Maybe Triplets?

Is this real life?

On December 3rd 2015 

At the ER in Kansas City 

The ER ultra sound tech seen 3 sac's meaning that there were 3 babies not just one!

We already have 2 older kids H & J will be 10 & 11 years age difference from the new BABIES!

I went to my doctor on December 8th to check on the babies and have my first appointment of this pregnancy.

Expecting to have a ultra sound that day I was so angry when they refused and told me I had to wait. 

My blood work was done and pee test to prove I am pregnant. I was so angry that even though I went to the ER and confirmed pregnancy the doctor did not care and wanted to do his own test. 

Lucky for me after days of waiting I got my HCG levels back. 

The jump even had the nurse shocked!!

At 16 dpo they were 1701

now they are at 21 dpo a huge 14,956

They more than doubled, in 5 days they went up over 8 times what they were! 

The  ER Tech might just have been right. we might be have triplets!!

I can not wait to officially find out on Monday! hopefully these babies work with us so I will know for sure.

I know at the ER the lady thought she had seen 3 it was just little black blobs so hopefully this time is a better picture. 

Keep us in your prayers! if you have gone through this or are going through this, with any kind of Multiple pregnancy or birth please feel free to comment or email me. I would love other mommies opinions and help! 

(*I know high hcg levels doesn't always mean more than one baby but I think our odds are pretty high. )

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Progress Of My HCG Levels

After 2 miscarriages

Here we are pregnant with another little blessing!

I will be updating 

My HCG levels so far are!

December 3rd, 2015  
16 DPO : 1701  

December 8th, 2015
21 DPO : 14,956

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Another Threatened Miscarriage!

September 2015

oh what a month.

It was an awful month for us, It was our older two kids birthdays along with one of the most difficult things. We have all had to fae this year, after going into the doctors for a threaten miscarriage. There was no baby in the ultra sound at the ER. Nor was there a baby at all in the ultra sound at my obgyn's office a week later. I was heart broken. 
I couldn't drive I couldn't breathe or think I just sat there crying my eyes out while on the phone with my friend Sierra and my husband. 

My husband was away at a training with the Army so he hadn't been home to even comfort me. 

After finding out we were pregnant pretty early on in November we were now facing the same thing we had dealt with last time. Another threatened miscarriage!

There were no words, I just had to see our baby on the ultra sound. I had to hear the number was nice and high unlike last time we went through this. 

I can't handle another loss, I just can't! 

the ultra sound tech was the same lady who did the last ultra sound to tel me that there was no baby.  
She is the sweetest lady and remembered us from last time. 
She helped comfort  us and the second she seen the tiny baby she got just as excited as we got. 

however ....
that was not all she had seen. 

there were 3 little sac's  on the ultra sound
she was shocked but said that it was too early to confirm any of the babies. 

The Doctor came in shortly after she left the room.  He informed me that my HCG  numbers were 1701. At 16 days past ovulation! I have never, just never had numbers that high . that early in pregnancy. 

The baby is doing great according the the ER doctor but there might be 3 babies in there instead of just on one. 
I did have another threatened miscarriage however there was no bleeding this time around. Just pain and I was told I have a uti and that I need to stay laying/sitting down if the pain keeps up until it goes away again. I have to follow up with my OB with in a week.

I am still scared to death that I will miscarry but those numbers have me feeling a little more hopeful that we will have a baby come August 2016! 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Testing Again Just To Make Sure!!

I have been feeling so sick more than I have with any of my other pregnancies. 

After getting my first Big Fat Positive at 7 days past ovulation I was in true shock. 

Today after making it through hosting Thanksgiving for my in laws for the very first time ever. Up until a few days ago we have never spent any time with my in laws ever on a holiday. 

It was very stressful and they have no idea I am pregnant right now which was so hard for me. I couldn't explain why I kept for getting everything. Why I felt so sick, why I didn't eat anything hardly and why I could not stand the sight of the turkey. 

Here I am the day after Thanksgiving taking another pregnancy test. 

Praying for a darker test as in my past miscarriages I have not gotten the dark lines that I should have. 

I know my digital test would come out negative but to my surprise it was NOT! 

10 days past ovulation!

I couldn't say anything at all, I couldn't breathe or think I just sat there shocked. 

With in 1 minute of taking both test this popped up!

With every pregnancy I have ever had, I have taken a test the earliest on 10 days past ovulation and only once did I get a positive test and that was hardly even able to be seen. it was a totally " squinter "  Yet here I am at 10 dpo and I get these. 

WOW just WOW that is all I could think. 

Maybe just maybe this time this baby will stick. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pregnancy after Many losses!


" Going down the same ol' road, the one that I already know "

That is how I am feeling right now. It has been a very long and difficult but exciting day. 

For those who don't know here is a little catch up for you. 

This year my husband and I have miscarried 2 times. 
Both pretty early losses but still they were heart breaking none the less. 

June 2015 and September 2015 were both really hard months for our whole family. 

Today however we start down the road we have traveled before. 

A few days ago we found out we are pregnant again. 
After not really trying I thought that when I took a test it would be negative with out a doubt. 
Yet here we are at 7dpo and I got my first BFP and it was such a shock. 

I tested only because I have been feeling sick and felt some cramps a few days ago so I figure I would test and it would be negative. 
I have NEVER gotten a positive at 7 days past ovulation. 

Telling my husband was the hardest thing I have ever done thus far. 

Then he walked into the bathroom and had seen the test and how dark the line was and he was a believer for sure!

So here we go down this road again praying for a healthy and happy baby come

August 2016! 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Home Schooling On A Budget!

The first thing that you need to know is that homeschooling takes work. I am not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you its so easy and you dont have to do much. In real life everything takes work but home schooling is not that hard. 
It depends on how how you want to bring in money honestly and help your family. while you are sticking with a budget.  

The best ways I have found are. 

* coupon - yes I said it. start getting those coupons ready y'all. I am not joking. There are a lot of  ways to do it but I like just starting out with working one deal  at a time. I am not a huge coupon person but I am working on it. I went from spending $300 every two weeks for cleaning supplies and food for my family of 4. 
Now I spend $230 every two weeks. its not much but I save $70 every two weeks and that's $140 a month. 

* we do NOT use common core books sense we are against common core. my kids books are about $30 each per school year. from barns and nobles. However I have learned that the best thing to do is use the tools that you have already. Printer and ink!
get online and print out the lesson plans the night before that you want to do for your kids. 

* Internet! there are so many free online games for every age range. To help making learning fun. I can't even list all of the sites we use. ( I will write a full list of the ones we have used the most in another post. ) Games are free and fun and help you teach your kids

( every public library allows you to print off things and to have time online if you do not have a computer at home. )

*  Netflix's and Hulu! 
Lets face it just about everyone has hulu and or netflix's ( netflix's is the best ) 
There are so many different things that you can do with netflixs. I  have not yet started on hulu at this point. 
 I can not sit here and write every link there is to go with different movies and shows on netflixs or hulu so heres the simple answer. 

here is a link you should join this group on face book and there are so many ways to help teach you children of every age with tools on netflixs. feel free to join this group. 

Home Schooling With Netflix's

* Join a group of other moms

Yes I said it!

there are always groups out there that will help you a long your way. They do classes with each other and build on what they already know. They teach classes and support you no matter what stage you are in. When it comes to your home school journey. 

I myself am still learning as I go so if there are any other tool or fun things you think I missed feel free to email me and let me know or post a comment. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Struggle of the the truth, 

Home Schooling is harder than anyone thinks it is. 
That is the reason I questioned my choice to home school my kids. 

I knew that the facts of the matter was my children needed the one on one attention of home schooling. 

Common core was my largest reason for home schooling. 

I knew that home schooling would mean that I could not get a job and work during the hours my kids would be in school. 

That was one of the largest issues.

Not that I have a large work history of  working due to everything we have been through in the past few weeks. Not to count that it is harder for me to find a job that would allow me to still do the things I do around the house. 

I know that is the same struggle that so many Mothers deal with when trying to decide to home school their kids. 

Then I figured out what I thought I could not.

I can be a good mom, help support my family and  home school my kids.

First thing that I knew I had to do was sit down with my husband and talk about every issue there is with home schooling.

Money - Yes I know this is the largest issue we all face every day. 

I have found that working online is the best way to make money at home. There are many at home jobs that really pay you and that you do not have to sit there working a sales job. 

( I will be posting about all the at home jobs in my next post ) 

Homeschooling cost money! - Honestly it depends on how you want to teach your children. 

Can home schooling take a lot of money. yes of course it can. 

However there are many other ways to home school your children for hardly any money. 

I have a list of home schooling links and face book groups that can help you along your way. If you don't want to spend too much money home schooling. 

Time - yes I am bringing it up, the one thing that I know is a huge issue when thinking about home schooling your kids. 

The time you will have to spend working with each of your children to make sure they are learning as you feel they need to. 

I have heard from so many people that it takes too much time to home school your kids. That so many welcome the chance to not have to parent their kids while they are at public school. When the facts are home schooling can be something that the whole family can enjoy. 
Yes I know as a mother sometimes you just want that time to your self.

You can make time for the kids to be home schooled  and to complete everything you need to get done during your day. 

It just takes time management! I know so many girls who have thought about homeschooling. Yet they keep putting it off due to the fact that they do not want to deal with their kids. 

Here is the secret that so many parents do not know.

You do not have to have your child ( in most state ) sitting down and doing book work all day long in order for them to learn. 

There are blogs all over the place. A long with free print outs, websites with free games to help with spelling, writing and math and so many other subjects. 

Netflixs is honestly one of the best things that I have ran into that helps my children learn the best. They love watching new shows about history, math, science and every day we find new shows to help them learn. 

I am part of so many groups on Facebook for home schooling. 

I find that I enjoy learning along with my kids. Each subject brings a new way of seeing the world. 
I am here for anyone who wants to sit down and talk or email about any questions when it comes to home schooling feel free to contact me. 

We are all parents, and still learning every day how this home schooling thing works. There are no right or wrong answers as long as your kids are learning. That is all that matters because as we all know children do not always learn the same way. They don't fit into the box that public schools have tried to put them in. 

There is no failing as long as you try! 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Army CID information

CID agents!
First thing you want to do is ask yourself if you really, really want to become an agent. The hours are long (longer than your regular line unit) and the sheer nature of investigations may not sound appealing to everybody. You are going to investigate big cases like sexual assaults, rapes, homicides, suicides, natural deaths and less “sexy” cases like drugs, sexual contact offenses, and economic crimes. You are going to miss holidays, birthdays, and your four-day weekends will be cut short at the most inconvenient times. You are going to have to hear “Oh shit, here comes CID, hide the drugs” about 20 times a day. You will be disliked by junior enlisted and officers alike, but your best friends will be senior level commanders and the garrison command. If it's something that still interests you, let's move on!
Okay so you decided that you can handle being an agent. Let's see if you meet the initial entry requirements:
  • US Citizen
  • Minimum age of 21
  • Completed WLC
  • Maximum grade is SGT (CID promotes from within); SSG is okay as long as you don't have a TIG of more than 1 year.
  • Minimum of 2 years of military service but not more than 10 years
  • Minimum of 60 college credit hours
  • Minimum ST score of 107 or GT score of 110
  • Valid driver's license with a favorable driving record
  • No courts martial conviction or record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ
  • No record of Less Than Honorable discharge or any lost time
  • No record of emotional or mental disorders
  • No record of unsatisfactory credit
  • Upon graduation of CIDSAC you incur a 36 month duty obligation
  • Must have completed at least 12 months (CONUS) or two-thirds the tour length (OCONUS) at current duty station prior to application submission.
These are the most important ones to remember, but the rest of the list can be found at Okay so you meet all those standards, oh boy what's next!? At this point, I would go to the same website and go to Join CID and start the application process. CID now has a central recruiting team in Quantico, VA that reviews all initial applicants and if they meet the initial qualification, proceeds with the actual packet itself. In the past, you would work with your local CID detachment and there was a lot of paperwork involved. This cuts the process down from 6-8 months to about 5, but as always, your mileage may vary.
So, now you have your application has been approved. Next up is the actual packet. The recruiting team will work with you and your chain of command, as well as inform the local detachment that you are interested in joining CID.
Now, what I suggest you do is go to your local detachment and meet the Special Agent-in-Charge and Detachment NCOIC face to face. Talk to them, ask more about the profession. The Det NCOIC will gladly show you around and let you meet the agents.
Moving on, you met your local detachment, decided you still wanted to do the job, your packet was approved, and you finally have a school date! But oh no! You have about 6 months until you go to school. What do you do? Well, if your chain of command is cool with it (and most are, I haven't met one CoC that wasn't), you submit a DA Form 4187 requesting to become an Intern at the CID office. What this means is you are detached from your unit and now belong to the CID office for accountability. Awards and personnel action is still through your unit. This will give you the opportunity to actually embed with a CID agent and shadow them around. You're going to learn the daily activities of agents, types of cases that pop up, responses, the mountains of paperwork they deal with, the whole nine yards. You are a CID Intern.
So, your 6 month internship goes by and now you finally go to the U.S. Army Military Police School at sunny Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
CID Special Agent's Course (CIDSAC) is about 4.5 months long. While you're attending the course, you are going to be staying at the on-post lodging, directly across from the NCOA or directly across the parking lot from the schoolhouse. Your first week there you take the height and weight and an APFT in order to be eligible by TRADOC standards. While you are in a TRADOC environment, you are still allowed to drink alcohol and go off post and do all the things you normally would do. You are TDY there, usually with a follow-on assignment to your first duty station as an agent, although some people are TDY-and-return. Anyways, school consists of learning Military Law & Federal Civilian Law, Criminalistics, Post-Mortem Anatomy/Physiology (commonly referred to as Death Block), Crime Scene Processing, Economic Crimes, Interviews & Interrogations, and finally Counter-Narcotics. So, at the end of your stay at FLWMO, you are going to be an expert in all things CID, right!?
So, you graduated CIDSAC, got your shiny new badge & credentials, and you are now off to your first duty station as a fully qualified CID agent! You'll in-process your new duty location as if you were senior enlisted – just show up to your appointments and you'll be fine. Of course, your mileage may vary, especially if going OCONUS. Okay so you show up to your detachment, meet the Special Agent-in-Charge (CW3-CW4), Det NCO (E6-E7), and your Team Chief (Usually a WO1-CW2 in small offices, or a CW2-CW3 in larger offices). Your Team Chief will be like your squad leader from before. Everything goes through him. He will review your cases, provide guidance, leadership, and mentorship, and train you. Your first year as an agent you are actually an Apprentice Agent, which is a fancy way of saying you are a probie! As a probie, you'll be conducting your own investigations, but you will most likely be partnered up with a more senior agent in your team. This is very dependent on the size of your office. So, what teams are there in a typical CID office?
  • General Crimes: The biggest teams and where most probies end up starting. This team conducts homicide, suicide, and natural death investigations, child porn, child assault, larcenies, and so on.
  • Special Victims Unit: A new team to the table, and in larger offices, one that is headed by a civilian Sexual Assault Investigator (usually has about 10+ years in sex crime investigations in civilian Pds). Investigates all Article 120 offenses, including sex crimes against children.
  • Economic Crimes: Another team that is popular with the probies; this team investigates any time of financial frauds against the military and military organizations like AAFES.
  • Drug Suppression Team: This team is headed either by a CID warrant officer or a high speed CID Sergeant First Class, but the team itself consists of Military Police. They investigate drugs, self explanatory.
Keep in mind, not all offices have such clear cut lines. In small offices, it's common for everyone to be General Crimes and maybe one or two senior agents be the SVU.
So, after a year, you become a fully accredited CID agent! But wait, there's more! CID agents receive a LOT of follow on training because of the evolution of the profession.
  • Protective Services Training – Learn how to be a protective services agent and be secret service for DoD.
  • Domestic Violence Intervention Training – self explanatory and is a general MP course offered to 31A, 31B, and 31D.
  • Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention Training – self explanatory, same as above. General MP course.
  • Sexual Assault Investigations – In order to be an SVU-certified agent, you need to take this course. It's taught by Russel Strand at the USAMPS.
  • Advanced Crime Scene Processing – learn how to do a lot of cool CSI techniques in regards to crime scene processing.
These are the most popular schools, but others include Economic Crimes/Fraud Investigations, Digital Evidence Collection, Arson Investigations, and a multitude of other courses that I don't remember off the top of my head. Courses are either offered by USAMPS or the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, GA. You also get opportunities to train with local police departments, Scotland Yard, German Kriminalpolizei, Italian Carabinieri, and the Royal Mounted Canadian Police. If you're a really high speed, you will be sent to Scotland Yard or the RMCP Academy to conduct their full training just like foreign country Military Criminal Investigative Organizations come to USAMPS to train.
So, you aren't going to be a probie forever and you certainly won't be the same type of investigator forever. What kind of career tracks are there? Isn't CID all warrant officers? I thought they were civilians? Well, let's answer these questions!
First off, CID agents are Enlisted, Warrant, and Civilian. Army CID, however, is more military than civilian – in direct contrast with our OSI and NCIS brethren. So, let's look at career tracks for each then:
  • Case Agent: Nothing special, you are a regular case agent for either GC, EC, or DST. Usually E-5 and E-6.
  • Leadership: As you make E-7, you become the Detachment NCOIC which is just like a Company First Sergeant. Your direct involvement in cases becomes smaller (again, mileage may vary. In small offices, the Det NCOIC carries his own case load in addition to doing Det NCOIC stuff). You are also the Evidence Custodian and are supposed to be the Crime Scene Processing expert.
  • Special Victims: Must be a graduate of CAPIT, DVIT, ACSP, and SAI. All you focus on are Article 120 offenses.
  • Digital Forensic Examiner: You get sent through various courses for digital forensics at FLETC. Upon completion of all of the courses, your primary duty is now digital forensics. You do all of the data extraction and combing through various digital media. Be prepared to look at a lot of child pornography and sexts.
  • Forensic Science Technician: These agents go through the FLETC courses for forensic sciences and end up with an International Association for Identification (IAI) certificate. This is a new program for enlisted agents. The Battalion Forensic Science Officer manages his Forensic Science Techs which are at the detachment level.
After a minimum of two years (many agents will argue this is way too soon, but many agents will also jump at the opportunity), you can put in for your packet to be a 311A – CID Warrant Special Agent.
Warrant Officers
  • Case Agent: Yep, just like your E-5 and E-6 brethren, you are still a case agent. This is usually WO1-CW2 in large offices, or just your WO1 time in smaller offices
  • Team Chief: You now supervise agents. CW2 in small offices, can be CW2 – CW3 in large offices. Team Chiefs can (and most do) carry their own case load, but their primary job is to supervise their team, review cases, and dispatch reports.
  • Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge. The ASAC of an office is usually a CW2 or CW3, depending on size. The ASAC will review cases monthly to make sure they are administratively correct, dispatch serious/sensitive reports, and generally be the #2 of the office.
  • Special Agent-in-Charge. The big kahuna. They are the detachment commander. Usually a CW3 or CW4. They manage the office, assign team chiefs, and do what most company commanders do in a regular unit.
  • Digital Forensic Examiners: Same as enlisted.
  • Forensic Science Officers: FSOs are high speed CW2-CW3s that put in their packet for the CID FSO program. The FSO program enrolls you to George Washington University as a graduate student in Forensic Science. Upon graduation, you are a battalion FSO and the top dog regarding crime scene processing.
So there you have it, a basic intro guide for CID Special Agents. 

this was a post from ( )

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Unsearchable Wives! Army CID Wives

I ,like so many of us have searched for  internet trying to find answers. To find those who I fit in with and who could help me along my way. 

Sadly I have not yet found my place or anyone who are in the same spot I am in life. 

My current search is for Army wives like myself  in my husbands future field. 

However my luck is not going so well at this point. 

There are so many of us who find our selves spending our times searching for others like us. 

My searches have not left me with much information on my husbands hopefully future job. 

CID is one of those jobs where you can't find out much about what your husband will be doing. Finding other wives to give me information has been way more difficult that I ever thought it would be. I have came to the point that I am seeking out those groups of wives that can help me. The ones who know not to ask any questions about their spouses job. 

The FBI wives ( as I am told that their husbands jobs are just like the CID. ) The lovely wives who blog have helped me to understand more of what I should expect as a CID wife. 

Both jobs are Federal Agent jobs. 
in both jobs you will find that you move around.

Expect that your husband will be working all of the time. He pretty much will always be on call and can't go more than an hour away. 

The hours are long but the way I see it as long as my husband loves his job. I can deal with what ever hours he has to work. As a Army wife I already deal with that so I do not think that it will be much different. 

I have read the Army's regulations on what you need in order to put in a packet to become CID. 

It is all pretty basic stuff but the waiting seems to take forever. 

CID School is like 9 weeks long. 

I hear that when your husband gets orders for school he will also have his pcs orders attached. Thus far I can not tell you if it is true or not as we haven't gotten that far yet. 

I will be excited to pcs and I honestly can not wait until we get orders to any where but here. 

My search is still going on.... I will post more information once I find it. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask! 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Heart Break.... Our First ultrasound!

I can not , I just ....

How do you sit here and stay positive and pretend that everything is going to be okay?

How do I type or say those words?....

Today during my  first ultrasound with this little one. At 6 weeks 3 days pregnant. 

What was shown was not what I expected to see at all. 

There was no baby to be seen. There was pools of blood all over. ( No I have not been bleeding. sense my threatened miscarriage )
The ultrasound tech was amazing and supportive. Through the tears I tried to understand what she was saying. 

The baby could not at this time be found. I have a possible Ectopic pregnancy. Which is a tubal pregnancy. meaning the baby implanted out of of my uterus. 

They could not tell what was going on but they had taken blood and now all I can do sit here and wait for the results. 

If the blood test shows that my numbers are getting higher then the Doctor said that it is an ectopic pregnancy. 
I could not control myself I kept it together long enough to get into my car and call my husband and best friend. 
In that moment there was nothing that I could do to keep calm. I bawled my eyes out to the point that I almost made myself sick. Listening to my best friend speak to me as if nothing was wrong in the world. Until I could not keep it together anymore. Tears fell down my face as I knew the dam was about to break again. Trying so hard to clearly speak to her. Telling her that they pretty much said that the baby is gone. 

We prayed for this baby for so long, after losing a baby a month before our surprise of a life time to get a positive. When my husband kept making jokes about my going through pre menopause. ( he thought it was funny  but fails to understand just how unfunny it really was... ugh men! )

Our surprise baby was not meant to be ....

 They want me to take medicine to kill the baby before the baby kills me. However I can not do that. I can not kill my baby, I just can't. 

I know that God would not want me to kill my baby. That it is in his hands to care for me and get me and my family through this hard time. 

Pregnancy Symptoms I Have Been Having!

I know that there is always a lot of talk about pregnancy symptoms! 

I am just like every other woman trying to get pregnant and hopefully stay pregnant with my little one. ( at this point everything is looking great! )

So here is the list of mine thus far with this pregnancy!

1. Awful cramping, that turned out to be implantation cramping which I am now very blessed to have been through. ( 6 days past ovulation ) no bleeding!

2." School glue " Cervical mucus

3. My boobies hurt so bad and the real pain was from my nipples. so tender breast is a real thing I never had when I was younger. 

4. I became " that person " I checked my cervix and it was medium height, firm like the tip of my nose and closed. 

4. I had a slight fever of about 99'f, degrees that stayed there from the day I ovulated. ( I checked it at 6 pm every day. )

5. Hot flashes! OMG I am hot one second and cold the next. my poor kids are here dealing with my turning the heat and AC off and on. All through out the day. ( started about 6 dpo the day the egg made its home in my uterus. )

6. Slight on again and off again cramping for days

7. At about 9 days past ovulation and the day before I decided to test. I had backaches. in my lower back. 

8. Getting sick! I started getting sick about  9


10. at LAST I tested at 10 days past ovulation. not because I thought I was pregnant. Sense we just had a miscarriage and we were not trying this month. I tested because my husband had jokes! 

He told me I was going through " pre mentopause " which made me so MAD that I tested and to my SHOCK! The test was positive!

looking back no I also know that had a few others as well. 

About 7 days past ovulation I kept feeling like I was peeing myself or maybe my period was starting. but it was only clear Cervical mucus. and that kept on until I was at the point I am right now. Just at 6 weeks pregnant. 

Nausea was something I felt off and on during the two week wait in the past when I was not pregnant so I never counted that as a clue. 

I was clearly VERY bloated but for me that was normal right before my period was going to start so again I just did not count that. 

I was so tired all of the time. However I am always so tired. 

At this point I wish I knew then what I know now and for our future babies I will be looking out for these signs. 

I hope this helps some of y'all out!

Baby Dust and  Healthy and Happy Pregnancy to Everyone! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Excited To Be Pregnant! Update!

         I honestly am so excited even after the fear of losing our little one. I think it is okay to be excited about being pregnant and about the baby. 

      We have gone through so much this year we all need a renewed faith in God and the world. Watching my tummy grow  and taking picture of my growing tummy. I am larger than I was even at 6 month pregnant with my other kids. at only 5 or 6 weeks I have never been so large. I know my body changes as we get older and it has been 10/9 years sense my children were born and I was a twig back then. However my tummy is huge! in my opinion. Yet ever time I see it, it is awesome. It warms my heart to know that my baby is going strong and growing the way he or she should be. 

I am so excited that after all of the heartache and pain that at last we are going to be having another little one. We prayed so hard for this baby and I can only hope that this baby sticks. 

I know that I just have to take it easy and pray that this little one makes it the this world and has a very happy long life.

Right now all I want is a steak, and chocolate milk. I am  a picky eater which I can't say if I was before pregnancy or not. I wasn't that I remember however in the past few weeks I know that I am very forgetful. 
Pregnancy Brain is a real thing!

I have forgotten my handbag in the oddest places I would have never forgotten it before. If it wasn't for my kids and my husband I honestly have no idea where or how many times I would  have ended up with a stolen bag and Lord only knows what else. 

So far this pregnancy is not like any of my others. I don't remember all these symptoms before. I do not think I went through all of this in the past. However as long as the end result is a happy and healthy baby. That is truly all that matter. 
