Monday, August 6, 2018

My Money Wins Of The Year So Far -VeryDice Scores

I have gotten this question from  A LOT of people through out the past few months on social media. 

So here it is! 

In July 2017 I learned about one of my favorite apps and it changed my life! As I started looking into the Dave Ramsey - Total Money Makeover Book and his program. ( I will post a link to my Dave Ramsey post  later )  I knew I needed to find something to help me learn everything that I never learned about money growing up. I needed to find a way to get my family the things that they want and need at the same time I needed to stop spending money. 

We started the Dave Ramsey journey to make a better happier future for our family. But Let me just tell you that I LOVE to shop online. I love the happiness it brings my family and friends. 

After reading on a Dave Ramsey facebook group about this app that was easy and fun to play as well as you can earn things off of Amazon. I questioned what it was and then said the heck with it and downloaded it. 

It was the BEST decision I could have made and Thanks to that App I have now been happily using for the past year. I have stopped buying my kids Birthday gifts, Christmas of 2017 I bought my kids 4 gifts each just from that app. I paid using my tickets and since I have not paid for not one of my kids gifts. 

18 .... yes you read that right 18! Free items later ranging in prices from $10 to $55 each.

( Things I got my daughter for her birthday reading corner - Light up letter H, Travel coffee cup and a bible journal. Since one of my goals this year was to help each of my kids grow closer to God. 
I got my oldest son throw down baseball bases, a prayer journal, and baseball hitting grip. He is working hard on his baseball skills so he can join the local team this next season. My youngest son For Christmas has a baseball book and Mickey Mouse magnets as he loves Mickey Mouse and wants something to play with on the fridge or in his play room magnet board. Our sweet youngest baby girl has a book for Christmas as we do the 5 gifts plus santa gift thing for Christmas. All items not pictured will be added shortly as I have them put up so the kids wont find them. For Our youngest son I got him a water table for his 2nd birthday and boy let me tell you he has gotten so much joy out of it. )

This app is simple! you start off with 30 FREE rolls ( use my friend Code 397043 ) 
You can watch videos, down load apps, sign up for things like hulu, do surveys or of course pay to get more rolls. ( I however do not pay for the rolls, they give you so many options that I personally dont think it is needed to pay for the rolls. )

You get 30 extra rolls for every friend who uses your friend code. ( mine is 397043 )
This game is the best game I have found out there.
I love the 2 days shipping, the mail lady and I have become very good friends at this point.

I have a LONGGGGG list of items on my future shopping list. Christmas for this year my goal is that I will get most of my kids Christmas gifts off of VeryDice. Last year I got half of their gifts off of of very dice so I feel like its a go big or go home kind of thing this year. 

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