Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The " Dependa" War

As long as there have been men fighting there have been wives standing beside them!

In Medieval times those Knights who could afford a wife would have one. He went off to war leaving her busy caring for the children and his estate. 

A job not unlike what we as military wives do today.

We as Military wives band together no matter what area we live in or even what country we live in.... or at least we use to. 

There is A LOT of talk about how the " old Military Wives" use to do things.
They were a force to be reckoned with that is for sure. 

There was no bashing of other wives! .... where there groups where wives could get together and talk of course but out right bashing NO!

There was no internet where Military members and wives alike would bash on the wives they felt were " unfit " to be called a wife.
There was no one fearing that for asking a simple question someone would screen shot there comments and blast them all over the internet for everyone and their momma to see. 
Shaming everyone of us into not trusting that there is a place out there. Where we can ask the questions we have no matter how big small or to some stupid. 
There was no one wanting to put every Military wife on a scale because " her body defined who she is. " 

There was love, support, trust and fellowship. 

I am in no way saying that there are not things that stood in the past that need to be standing right now!

I believe that more wives need to.

1. There was no complaining about the amount of money your husband was bringing home!

You learned to budget your money and work with what you had. You were blessed to have a husband who was alive and able to work. Leaving you could stay home and care for the children! ( there has always been single moms struggling to make ends meat so their children could eat that is just a fact of life! so be thankful you are NOT one! )

2. There was not FRG's, MWR , Child care, etc 

We all are guilty of it! Complaining about how the F.R.G sucks and is just a " bunch of board housewives  blah blah blah! 
These things are there for US! to help us and make life easier for us while we are dealing with our husbands being away. They are NOT something you earn! They are not something you should even get they are a benefit. One that we need to learn to be thankful for and darn it start being part of.

If you do not like the FRG or to be part of the Wives club where ever you are then suck it up. Join and change it into something awesome for the next generation of Military wives to love and truly enjoy.
Doing nothing will not get you any where but doing something might just bring a little happiness to your day!

3. They were respectable when they left the house. 

There was no looking like you just rolled out of bed. Brush your hair, put your big girl undies on and smile! I understand being a hot mess. Going out because you have been up dealing with a baby and just can't seem to get the energy to get " pretty ." Yet we don't do it for other people. We do it for us! The ones who has to clean the house, cook dinner, fold the laundry and feel like we just are over it. I get pretty for myself not every day but for the most part I do something to make me feel better about myself! 

For Those Who want to keep bashing all of us wives no matter if you are a Military member, a former military member or a Military wife your self. 
Grow up! Get off your lazy butt and go get your self a life! Stop being bitter about whomever hurt you, stop being butt hurt about the past. Stop thinking that you matter so much that because you have an issue. You with one person or a group of people that you should blast it all over. Causing other people feel bad about their selves. It makes me sick that people would go out of their way to bash others. ask your self these questions!

 Why do you care about how much someone wife weights?
Why does it matter to me that someone is dating a Military member?

Why should I care that someone cheated on their spouse?

That fact of the matter is Men cheat just like females cheat! does that mean every female that gets with a Military member is a cheat? NO!
Does the amount a Military wife weights effect your your life? NO!
Do you have the right to bash other people when you are NOT perfect? NO!

So why don't you try getting a life? 

Being online bully gets you no where. Clearly most of the people bashing the Military Wives saying we are all fat and jobless has no idea what they are talking about.
 Bitter people write bitter things!

 To the Higher Ups who feel its okay because of your rank to bash Military wives you should be ashamed honestly.

We should all be making the Military a better place, the best place for all the future Military Wives yet our legacy will not be great like those wives of the past. There will be no support, friendship or anything else. Sometimes I think that we do not need other countries to break our Military. We do a good enough job all on our own every time we decide to bash the wives making life harder then it should be. We should be united as one large family not 
going out of our way to put down others. For trying to love and support our husbands where ever their career may take them. In life and in death we stand by them. Loving and supporting them why cant we at least try. To do the same for all the other Wives out there. Doing the same thing we are 
just trying to live their lives one day at a time as if he will deploy tomorrow. 

Its time to end the " Dependa " war. 

For all of the spouses who are part of it adding fuel to the fire.... go into your wallet and take your I.D to the mirror because YOUR I.D SAYS DEPENDANT  THE SAME AS THE REST OF US SO. TRY JUMPING OFF OF YOUR PEDESTAL AND SEEING WHO THE TRUTH AROUND YOU. 

   Just one wife's opinion.... On This " Dependa " War!


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