Monday, October 17, 2016

4 Months Into The School Year

Anyone who has kids and home schools or better yet anyone who has kids. Knows that having kids is hard enough with out fearing that your child will not love school. Learning is so important but how do you know if your children really love there school? 

Has it really already been 4 months since we made the switch?

I promised that I would post an update on my kids moving to the Seton Home Study Program. Yet I never thought that it would be how great it has been for us. I can honestly say that I heard a lot about this program. The good, bad and ugly of this school came out of the wood work. 

Things like....

"There is a lot of book work."

"You can't keep up with the lesson plan day by day."

"The kids love this program, it's unlike any program I have seen. "

" You can customize the program for each of your children."

" You child will do more work in Seton than in any public school I have ever seen. "

Well it's all TRUE!! 

This program is not for those who want to ' unschool. '

After a few months of craziness and doing this program. It is honestly the best thing we could have done for our kids. I know when you go down the list for this program grade by grade. It does look like it will be a lot of book work for the kids. However once you dive on in and see what they are doing in the classes it really is not. 

Here is a look at how my kids get things done every day. 

I am big into writing check list and making it clear what will be done and when. However with Seton we have decided to allow the kids to have the list of what needs to be done for the day. So they can learn time management on there own. They both really do love being able to be free to get things done on there own. 

It's not a perfect picture, its not a commercial grade picture. 
It is just real life  and for us it is what works the best. 

I write subject that my children need to do on the board every night. Along with what they need to get done for that day. ( Yes there are things listed more than once but that is due to my children skipping over items. Then stating that they didn't see some items. So a mom has to do what a mom has to do. lol ) 

When one of my children complete something on the list for the day. They mark  with there color for the day to let me know that they have completed it. It gives them a sense of  accomplishment and control. As much as I know and they know that they are not in control most of the time. It is nice to let them be the boss of what they do and when they do it. As long as they get everything done before dinner they are free to do it in any order they want. 

My kids normally get all of there class work done by 2 pm every day. Then they are free to play, read or do what every they would like to do.

We have already seen the kids grow into these amazing smart future adults. They are loving there class work every day even on the days when they don't get the grade they should have. The big debate right now is that they want to add a class to the work load that they already have. 

So it is still up in the air if they will be allowed to add Latin to there work load this year or not. 
However to go from having children who where said to truly struggle with school. Who did not enjoy going to school at all other than to play with there friends. To having my son say his favorite subject in school is hand writing. When it use to be playing with his friends or lunch. My daughter says her favorite subject is now Science. Which was also her favorite subject in public school however she was learning " baby stuff ." In her opinion now she is learning about what she really wants to learn about. She plans to be a cardiovascular surgeon when she grows up. She loves having the chance to start learning about what is her passion in life. 

I don't know what the rest of the year has to offer but I can only hope that at the end of the year. They are happy and love there school. That they have learned more than they ever thought that they could learn. 

We will keep updating everyone on their progress. 

If you have any questions please feel free to keep emailing me or comment and I will try my best to answer. 

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