Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July!

Happy Fourth Of July Everyone!

Back home we use to go see fire works, have a BBQ, go to a fair , or some kind of big event. Sense leaving our home state we have had to find new ways to spend our time.

For our family today was a pretty great day in spite of the fact that my husband once again , as always had to work.
We went to the Fort Leavenworth M.W.R event and we had a blast. All of the games, lots of friends and families all around. Even though we were unable to spend the day with any of our family we had each other and that's what matters. 
For us every day is Fourth Of July. 

We spend our days teaching our kids about this great country of ours and what makes it so great. 

Is shocks me to know that so many children or people for that matter believe that the day is all about fire works and seeing if you can drink yourself into a state of stupidity. 

For the first about 20 years after the Declaration of Independence was sign it was not something that was celebration. It wasn't until 1870 that Congress first declared  July 4th as a national holiday. 
It was a bill to officially  recognize several holidays including Christmas, further legislation  about national holidays was not passed until 1939 and 1941.

We all need to start teaching our children and even our selves the history of our great country. If we don't share our past with children then it will be long forgotten. Keep the past alive and teach your children about everything that made this country so great.  Help form the future of our country! 

Happy 4th of July everyone. 

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